Flower names in Telugu – తెలుగులో పువ్వుల పేరు

We often get to see different types of flowers in different parts of India as well as in other countries. But, we know the names of some of those flowers and do not know some.

Flower names can vary by region and language in the country. So, in this blog post, we will share flower names including images in Telugu as well as in English.

In most languages, the names of flowers vary depending on the language. Earlier, we shared an article on the names of flowers in the Bengali language.

We’ll include the most familiar flower names in Telugu for learners. So, if you want to know the flower name in Telugu as well as in English, check below:

Flower Names in Telugu

Telangana is the southern part of India and Telugu is the fourth spoken regional language in India. Not only spoken in Telangana but it is also spoken in Andhra Pradesh as well as other parts of India.

In Telangana State, flowers have great importance in cultural and religious practices. If you do not know the names of any flowers then you can know the names of the flowers given below.

PictureTelugu nameEnglish nameScientific Name
Arabian Jasmineఅరేబియా జాస్మిన్ (Arabian Jasmine)Arabian JasmineJasminum sambac
Korobeఒలీండర్ (Oleander)OleanderNerium oleander
Sandhyamoniచంద్రకాంత పుష్పం (Chandrakanth Pushmam)4 o’clock flowerMirabilis jalapa
Seiuli fulపారిజాత పువ్వు (Parijata Puvvu)Night-flowering jasmineNyctanthes arbor-tristis
Water Lilyకలువ పువ్వు (Kaluva puvvu)Water LilyNymphaeaceae
Gulap, Roseగులాబీ పువ్వు (Gulabi Puvvu)RoseRosa
Sunflower, Surjomukhiపొద్దు తిరుగుడు పువ్వు (Poddu tiruguḍu puvvu)Sun FlowerHelianthus
Kagoj fulకాగితం పువ్వు (Kaagitam Puvvu)Paper FlowerBougainvillea
సీతాకోకచిలుక బఠానీ పువ్వు (Setakokachilluka bhatni Puvvu)Butterfly peaClitoria ternatea
Jasminమల్లె పువ్వు (Malle Puvvu)JasmineJasminum
Merigoldబంతి పువ్వు (Banti Puvvu)MarigoldTagetes
Lotus, paddoతామర పువ్వు (Tamara Puvvu)LotusNelumbo nucifera
Jabaమందార పువ్వు (Madaram Puvvu)HibiscusHibiscus rosa-sinensis
Palash fulబాస్టర్డ్ టేకు పువ్వు (Basteard teak Puvvu)Bastard TeakButea monosperma
Shimul fulపట్టు పత్తి పువ్వు (Pattupatti Puvvu)Silk cotton flowerBombax ceiba
Chrysanthemumచామంతి (Chamanti)ChrysanthemumChrysanthemum
Daturaఉమ్మెత్త ( Ummeta)DaturaDatura stramonium
Dahlia flowersడాలియా (Dalia)DahliaDahlia
Common Jasmineమల్లెపువ్వు (Malle Puvvu)Common JasmineJasminum
Ixora flowerనూరు వరహాలు (Nuruvarhalu)IxoraIxora coccinea
Frangipani flowerదేవగన్నేరు (Devahanneru)FrangipaniPlumeria
Indian Tulipభారతీయ తులిప్ (Bharatiya Tulip)Indian TulipThespesia populnea
Blue Water Lilyనీటి కలువ (Niti Kaluva)Blue Water LilyNymphaea nouchali
Cockscomb flowerజడ బంతి (Jada Banti)CockscombCelosia

Why should we know the name of the flower?

There can be many reasons to know the flower names in Telugu as well as in other languages:

  1. Cultural Significance: Many flowers have cultural significance in our society and knowing their names can help people understand the cultural context of the flower.
  2. Photography: Flower names in Telugu can help photographers to identify and label their photos.
  3. Gardening and Horticulture: It also helps to identify and properly care for plants in a garden.
  4. Communication: Knowing the name of a flower can help in communication between people in the professions of horticulture, floristry, and botany.
  5. Nature Study: It can help in the study of botany and identify different plant species in the forest.
  6. Scientific Research: In scientific research, the accurate identification and nomenclature of plants are important for understanding their ecology, evolutionary history, and relationships with other species.
  7. Personal Interest: Some people may be interested in flower names in Telugu or any language for personal reasons.
  8. Poetry and Literature: It helps to appreciate and understand references to flowers in poetry and literature.
  9. Identification: Identifying a flower’s name can help people understand its characteristics and how it grows.


Knowing the names of flowers in Telugu as well as other languages is essential for communication, culture, research, and other purposes. It also helps in identifying and naming different flowers making it easier to understand their beauty and importance.

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